Now posting on Instagram as Billscreenwriter
I’ve neglected this website for so long it’s unlikely anyone but me sees it. Just in case there’s still a reader out there, you should know that a few days ago I began posting on Instagram as Billscreenwriter, and that’s now where you’ll find a sort of daily diary.
The year ahead
I’m a useless blog writer, leaving huge gaps between posts, but I’m still here and still working. Currently the two projects occupying me are ‘Cryptoqueen’, an 8-part TV series for Netflix based on Jamie Bartlett’s brilliant BBC podcast ‘The Missing Cryptoqueen’; and ‘A Little Madness’, also for Netflix, based on Horatio Clare’s memoir of his own descent into madness, ‘Heavy Light’. Both are at an advanced stage, and looking good. Whether they make it into actual production is yet to be seen. For me the rewards are already in: I’ve learned so much about crypto currency, and Multi-Level Marketing, and global financial scams; and about bi-polar conditions, and being sectioned, and what happens inside mental institutions. It’s work that is constantly enriching. Other projects, ‘True Believers’ and ‘The Big Three’, are treading water, but I live in hope. They come into the category I call Not Dead Yet. And waiting ahead is ‘The Greenhouse’, the eco-catastrophe story I’m developing, one of my most ambitious projects yet…
Back to work
As the heat wave passes, accompanied by thunderstorms, it feels like autumn has come, and with it the start of the new working year. Perhaps this is a hangover from the school year pattern, but I always associate autumn with new beginnings. I’m currently at work on several projects, among them, with producer PJ van Sandwijk (‘Thirteen Lives’) and director Tom Hooper, ‘True Believers’, the story of the Turkish-German couple who dreamed of curing cancer and along the way created the world’s first Covid vaccine. Now, $100 billion richer, they’re back to curing cancer. I’m also at work on ‘A Little Madness’, for Netflix, with director Tim Wardle (‘Three Identical Strangers’), a dramatisation of Horatio Clare’s account of his own descent into madness. My screenplay about Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin, ‘The Big Three’, is with director Tom Harper and Skydance. And I’m looking ahead, when time permits, to ‘Cryptoqueen’, a 6-part TV series, and - a glimmer on the horizon - a crazily ambitious attempt to dramatise climate catastrophe. Nothing is ever certain in my world, and it’s possible none of these will make it to the screen; but I’m working with good people, and I live in hope.
‘Thirteen Lives’ release
‘Thirteen Lives’ is released this July, and now that MGM has been bought by Amazon, it will be mostly promoted for streaming on Amazon Prime. It will be available there from August 5. It seems a very long time since I worked on the screenplay, but I’m very happy with the finished result, and grateful to Ron Howard for his directorial mastery of such a complex story. It’s been a grief-free journey all the way for me, which is not usually the way.
Apart from that we’re at the late stages of finalising the screenplay for ‘True Believers’, the story of Ugur Sahin and Ozlem Tureci, the Turkish-German scientists who created the first Covid vaccine (known as Pfizer, but actually created by their company, Biontech). And I’m working on a film version of Horatio Clare’s non-fiction account of his breakdown, to be called ‘A Little Madness’.
‘Thirteen Lives’ release
The film is now finished, and has been tested by MGM, with what they’re telling us are the best results they’ve ever had for any film. Because of this they’re pushing the release to later in the year, to November, so that it gets a shot at awards.
Meanwhile I’m hard at work on ‘True Believers’, the story of the two Turkish-German scientists whose company, Biontech, created the first Covid vaccine. I spent three days with them on Fuerteventura in the Canary Islands last year. Remarkable people.
A change of agent
My long-time London agent, Norman North at The Agency, has made the decision to retire. He’s handled most of my work for over 30 years, and I’ll miss him sorely. My very first agent, Jacqueline Korn at David Higham, was acquired while I was still at Cambridge, in the hope (hers) that I would prove to be a successful novelist. This did not happen. When I found myself unexpectedly in demand as a TV writer, in the mid-80s, I realised I needed an experienced screen agent, and moved to Norman at The Agency. Over the years I’ve trusted him to bring good projects to me, and keep me away from the dubious ones. I’ve even found time to return to novel writing; though for that I have a different agent. These days it’s all about specialists.
So who to turn to after Norman? This agent-writer relationship is so important to me, as it is to any writer, that I sought advice from my friends in the business, and made a short list. I’m the opposite of a hot young writer, but I know my trade, and know I can go on doing good work for - what? - ten more years? The prospect of working with a new agent excites me.
I’ve gone for Jess Sykes at Independent Talent. She’s wonderful, deeply experienced, and both enthused and amused, as you have to be in this business. I thank her for agreeing to take me on. A new chapter of my life begins…
Back to DNA
One of the joys of my work is that I get asked to learn about brave new fields of knowledge. I’m just starting to get on top of the astonishing advances being made right now in bio-chemistry - one of the few positives to come out of the misery of Covid. The story I’m working on features the making of the first vaccine for Covid-19, but what emerges is that this astonishing success is only the tip of the iceberg: we are on the verge of medical breakthroughs that could change our health prospects for ever. Over 30 years ago I wrote the script for ‘Life Story’, about the discovery of the structure of DNA, a TV film directed by Mick Jackson that won the BAFTA Best Drama award for its year. Now all these years later I’m getting stuck into the fruits of that discovery, sometimes called gene therapy, that is about to transform our lives.
‘Thirteen Lives’ is just past the halfway mark, shooting in Australia. ‘Hope Gap’ now on Netflix still brings me the occasional heart-warming responses.
A cold springtime
Strangely bright sunny days, but the air is so cold. Our magnolia blossoms have turned brown, like a stern warning not to hope too much for better times. And yet I do. Lockdown is slowly crumbling, I’m double-vaccinated, and I’ve had my first outdoor pub lunch with friends. As a family we’ve decided to de-carbonise our home life, which means we now have an electric Mini (which pretends to have a range of 145 miles, but actually gives up around 100 miles), and we’re proceeding with switching from oil home heating to Air Source Heat Pumps. Very costly to do, but once done our heating bill will drop by two-thirds, unless, like the Mini, it turns out that in very cold weather all the predictions are 33% wrong. We shall see. Meanwhile ‘Thirteen Lives’ is in mid-shoot in Australia, and I’m busy with projects that may or may not turn into actual productions, my head buzzing with facts about slavery in Barbados, and how vaccines are made, and Syria’s tragic recent years. I’m at that stage in my life, or career, where I take on projects as much to learn about something new, as to pay the bills.
'Thirteen Lives' starts shooting
My screenplay for ‘Thirteen Lives’, the story of the Thai boys’ football team that became trapped in a cave, starts shooting on Monday March 29, in sets built near Brisbane, Australia. Ron Howard directs a cast that includes Viggo Mortensen, Colin Farrell and Joel Edgerton, as well as some of Thailand’s leading actors. I’ve stayed here in lockdown in Sussex, trading Zoom calls with Ron as the screenplay has evolved. It feels strange to see pictures of the sets, and to think that all that way away the story in which I’ve been so involved is being brought to life. I’ve been on so many film sets, and it’s still a magical experience after all these years; but this time I must imagine it from afar.
'Thirteen Lives' in production
‘Hope Gap’ is now available on Netflix.
‘Thirteen Lives’, my screenplay of the ordeal of the Thai boys’ football team trapped in a cave, is now in production in Australia, with Ron Howard directing. Cast so far includes Viggo Mortensen, Colin Farrell and Joel Edgerton.
I’m at work on a screenplay, ‘The Big Three’, about the relationship between Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin in the war, with director Tom Harper.
We’re still effectively locked down in Sussex, but all well.
'Hope Gap' on release and streaming
Last night I was reunited with Annette Bening, Bill Nighy and Josh O’Connor for a virtual Q&A streamed into all the cinemas showing ‘Hope Gap’. It was very nostalgic for me, and reminded me how much I’d loved making this film. They’ve all been troopers over publicising the film, and we seem to have hit a moment when there’s not much else out there, apart of course for the titan that is ‘Tenet’. this means we’ve had far more coverage than I’d expected. The feedback has been wonderful. There can’t be big box office in a time of coronavirus, but at least the film has had its moment in the sun, and I’m more than happy.
'Hope Gap' finally opens in the UK
‘Hope Gap’ is released tomorrow by the Curzon chain, and will be in 39 cinemas. In these strange times the cinemas will be operating with social distancing, and I guess many people will be afraid to go out, but at least my film is becoming available. An early review in the Financial Times tickles me:
‘Tea and toast co-star. You guess right. Something dreadful is in wait… That sound of things at boiling point is not the kettle… Your sympathies are deftly toyed with; Nighy jitters and surprises; O’Connor has the sad gravity of the eternal referee. Bening, meanwhile, is compelling…’
More reviews to come, and many will be less kind; but I’m braced for that now. It’s hard when you make a work that’s so personal to find some people actively disliking it, but on the other hand, no one asked me to make it, and I have only myself to blame for putting it out there. The truth is nothing and no one is liked by everyone, but we’re usually protected from knowing this. Imagine if every now and again our friends posted reviews of us…
'Hope Gap' wins Best Film at Barcelona Film Festival
The Barcelona Film Festival had to operate online only, but even so it was a fine roster of new films - and ‘Hope Gap’ has come out as Best Film, to my huge delight. We still don’t have a release date for the film in the UK, or in most other territories, though since it has been released in the US it is available to stream there.
As lockdown comes to an end here, I’m busy with my screenplay for ‘Thirteen Lives’ (the story of the Thai football team trapped in a flooded cave), which is to be directed by Ron Howard for MGM; and with my screenplay for ‘The Big Three’ (Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin in the war), which is being developed by Skydance to be directed by Tom Harper.
'Hope Gap' streaming in US
‘Hope Gap’ is now available in the US and is picking up a mixed bag of reviews. I don’t read them, mostly, because even quite friendly reviews can hurt a lot. I know this is weak of me, but it’s for my own self-preservation. However, some are good, like this from Peter Travers in Rolling Stone:
‘Hope Gap’ Review: Marriage as Combat, Life as Surrender
Annette Bening rages as a scorned wife in this melodramatic, yet at times tender, portrait of the dissolution of a 29-year union
Annette Bening lets it rip as Grace, a bile-spewing wife who keeps coming so hard at her reserved husband Edward (Bill Nighy) that she’s practically daring him to leave her. When, after 29 years, he finally gets up the nerve to do just that, all hell breaks loose. Edward and Grace are academics — he teaches history; she’s assembling an anthology of great poems that deal with the traumas of life. Hope Gap is Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? set in the British countryside, with marriage a duel to the death. Screenwriter-director William Nicholson was Oscar nominated for the script he co-wrote for Gladiator, but the bloodletting here beats anything in the Roman arena. It’s emotional rather than literal, of course. And the pair’s grown son, Jamie (a very fine Josh O’Connor), is caught in the middle of the hostilities. A leap off the jagged white cliffs that loom outside this couple’s seaside Tudor home couldn’t do more damage than Grace and Edward inflict on each other.
Hope Gap is a deeply personal project for Nicholson, who is performing an autopsy on the marriage of his own parents, with him as the son trying to be faithful and fair to both combatants. First presented on stage in 1999 as The Retreat from Moscow, using a Napoleonic disaster as a metaphor for his parents’ split, Hope Gap comes to the screen with its theatrical origins seeping through every scene. The staginess of characters reciting monologues at each other can make for a static and off-putting experience.
But Nicholson has anatomized a relationship before, in his superb 1993 film adaptation of his play Shadowlands, about the real-life love connection between Oxford don, born-again Christian, and Narnia chronicler C.S. Lewis (Anthony Hopkins) and the married poet Joy Gresham (Debra Winger). And once again he is blessed with his actors. What Hopkins and Winger did to blow away stage-bound mustiness, Bening and Nighy accomplish in Hope Gap with equally brilliant assurance. Nighy, playing a man stooped in submission, finds the fire to suggest that Edward won’t mind looking ridiculous for a shot at happiness with another woman. “The way I am seems to suit her,” he tells his son with rending simplicity. There is nothing simple about Grace, whose verbal assaults are wounding to husband and son. “You’re no good at making people love you,” she cruelly tells Jamie, before lashing out at Edward for his “sneaking, two-faced, marital treachery.” As Grace sees it, her Catholic God has deserted her. She swings from thoughts of suicide to working a grief hotline for people more depressed than she is. In an example of the film’s acid humor, Grace adopts a dog she names Edward and brings to heel with commands of “stay.”
It’s a bear of a role, soaked in rage and self-pity. Yet Bening, a magnificent actress in peak form, never runs from the challenge of finding the wounded heart of a woman who can’t or won’t let go. As a film, Hope Gap is indelible and infuriating in equal measure, often at odds with itself and the demands of an audience. But in coming to terms with his parents and the role they play in shaping in life, even after death, Nicholson speaks to something universal: the comedy and tragedy of the human condition.
Court House Plague Colony
With the coming of coronavirus my family and some added friends are hunkering down here at Court House in Sussex. My son Teddy, my daughters Julia and Maria, Julia’s boyfriend Tom Wills, and four other friends have formed what Teddy has named the Court House plague colony. All are working from home, and spend their time in conference calls, which so stretches our wifi that I’ve added a mobile wifi hotspot with unlimited data. Like everyone else, we have no idea how long this strange situation will last, but we have determined to make it as positive an experience as possible.
In the outer world, where everything is grinding to a halt, my film has of course vanished, and it looks as if its UK release won’t happen. I can’t repine about this, when such disaster is overtaking so many, and I don’t. We’re all living day to day.
HOPE GAP opens in US
My film has its first proper opening this week in 18 cinemas, widening if all goes well to a maximum of 160. Annette Bening is doing a lot of publicity, including the Ellen DeGeneris and James Corden TV shows. And we have our first really favourable review, from Deadline Hollywood’s Pete Hammond:
‘It says a lot to proclaim Annette Bening’s portrayal of a woman in denial about her failing marriage in Hope Gap as one of the very best of her career. Yet it most definitely is. Sporting a nifty English accent, the four-time Oscar nominee hits new notes of authenticity and power as Grace, a wife of 29 years who is surprised and devastated when her husband suddenly says he wants out. That is the premise of this raw and revealing look at the effect of a breakup on not only the two at the center of it, but the entire family unit. It is something writer-director William Nicholson knows well as this very personal film was inspired by his own reaction to the end of his parents’ 30-year marriage. This isn’t directly their story, but one that may strike universal chords among families who have been through this kind of traumatic experience… I cannot say enough for what this superb trio of actors brings to these roles. It all feels so intimate that it could be a play, but Nicholson in choosing the town of Seaford makes the setting singularly cinematic. Bening gets right to the core of Grace, a woman with spirit who refuses to accept what her husband is doing and almost desperately tries to turn it around, even with the sad fact her marriage may not have ever been what she believed it was. Nighy’s completely believable here, as is O’Connor (currently Prince Charles in The Crown, and again opposite Nighy in Emma), ideally cast as a young man who never dreamed this could happen to his family, and who has to become a go-between as a new reality sets in. There are especially poignant moments here as well, and some very funny ones especially when Grace decides to get a dog as a new companion and names him Edward. The line she throws at the dog in the lawyer’s office, “Edward, stay,” not only draws a laugh but also says more than you can imagine about her state of mind. Hope Gap is a compelling and rich human drama with acting that is just about as good as it gets.’
HOPE GAP release schedule
Release dates can change, but at present the plan is for HOPE GAP to be released in the US on March 6 2020, and in the UK on June 12 2020. The UK release, by Curzon, will be in their cinemas and other independents, but also in some multiplexes. Ahead of the UK release Curzon will be screening the film in selected locations round the country, and I’ll be present to meet the audience and answer questions afterwards. It’s such a personal film, and one that I’ve already found resonates so powerfully with many people, that I want to get as many opportunities as possible to share and compare experiences face to face.
Hope Gap at the London Film Festival
Tomorrow is the first of four screenings of ‘Hope Gap’ at the London Film Festival, starting with a Gala Screening at the Odeon Leicester Square. Tricia Tuttle, Director of the LFF, has embraced the film warmly. From her letter to me:
‘Our programmers were thoroughly charmed by this sharply scripted, gorgeously designed drama, that will have audiences leaving the cinema and rushing straight to the coast – the British seaside has rarely looked so lush. Annette Bening is extraordinary in a role that is perfectly calibrated to stay enthralling even as Grace works through the most unreasonable of emotions, while Bill Nighy is on equally top form as the man who has made up his mind. We know that audiences will be as charmed as we are with Hope Gap, and we are delighted to be able to present the film to them.’
The actual release is still many months away, but for me tomorrow is a big day.
Meanwhile I’m hard at work on what I hope will be my next film…
HOPE GAP at film festivals
‘Hope Gap’ will have its first public screening at the Toronto Film Festival, on September 6 2019, and its second at the London Film Festival on October 4. This means it will get its first reviews, a couple at least, even though it won’t be released until next year. Right now I’m living under the happy illusion that the film is something very special, because only people who are kind to me have seen it so far. After Toronto and London, that will change. I’ve endured some brutal shocks following screenings at Toronto: ‘Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom’ had a triumphant screening and a poor critical response; as did ‘Breathe’. I was in Toronto for ‘Mandela’, but not for ‘Breathe’, where the shock was all the greater because the screening, they told me, was so applauded. It’s a powerful film, beautifully directed by Andy Serkis, and will live on, but these festival roller-coaster rides are tough on the system. All this by way of indicating that I’m braced for whatever comes.
Glancing down the list of films also showing in Toronto and London makes me giddy: the kind of giddiness that takes the form of realising, when you look up at the stars on a clear night, how insignificant you are. So many famous directors, so many famous stars.
The solution: to set my thoughts firmly on the new project which I am even now devising, and to tell myself that whatever happens, the future holds wonder and glory. So I leap from one illusion to another, forever excited by tomorrow, like a small child. I suppose on my death bed I’ll be caught murmuring, ‘The best is yet to come…’
HOPE GAP first public screening
Last night we screened HOPE GAP for cast and crew and a large gathering of my family and friends, about a hundred in all. It’s always hard to judge when an audience is so pre-selected to approve, but for me at least the screening was hugely encouraging. The film felt powerful, and visibly affected many. I’m beginning to get used to each viewer responding personally, as if the story is about them. My pride in the film remains intact, for now at least.
The UK and US distributors, Curzon and Roadside Attraction, seem to be settling on next spring for the release. This is a long way off, and hard for me, but they’re the experts on when we’ll have the best chance of getting noticed. Meanwhile we now begin submitting the film to the many festivals.
And I’m on the hunt for the right subject for the next film that I’ll write and direct…